Embarking on a New Adventure
Beginning yesterday, I embarked on a new adventure and I wanted to share it with you all. Who can guess what it is? Here are some hint pics.
Does anyone know what it is? Any guesses?
Last hint pic...
Okay, this last pic made it too easy!
I do all kinds of artwork to include painting with watercolor, acrylic, oils and pastels;
stained glass, soldered and beaded jewelry;
mixed-media work (to look at and some to wear);
soap making, candle making, and more.
But, I've never worked with metals.
That's about to change.
That torch is intimidating- that's a BIG flame. And, I was told the first day that the saw blade (that tiny one) can slice halfway through a finger in one stroke. And, one student's hands were completely black with tarnished gunk being polished off of her masterpiece...Hmmm.
It's going to be fun! Nasty and maybe a little scary, but fun.
I'll share my journey along the way as I actually learn fun things...Can you tell I'm looking forward to it?
Thanks for coming into my world today!
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